Recreation Manitoba's Awards Program

Each year, our Awards Program pays tribute to those individuals and organizations who through their efforts and skills, make an outstanding contribution towards the advancement of recreation, parks and leisure in Manitoba. The annual presentation of these awards reflects Recreation Manitoba's commitment to celebrate and publicly recognize individuals, groups, and organizations who have inspired us and earned our respect.

Nomination Period for the 2025 Awards Program is now open. There are deserving individuals in your community that would fit each award category. Download the guidelines for the criteria for each award categories.

2025 Awards Nomination Guidelines_final.pdf


Submit your nominations through our electronic form here or request a paper copy by emailing

Previous Award Winners

The 2024 awards were presented in conjunction with the Annual Recreation Provincial Conference on March 15, 2024, as part of our President's Luncheon & Award Ceremony presented by the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. 

Congratulations to all our winners!

Facility Award - Wawanesa & District Recreation Centre

Nature Award - Altona Community Action Network

People & Community Award - Tom Chwaliboga

Health & Wellbeing Award - South Interlake 55 Plus Steppin' Up Program

Therapeutic Recreation Award of Excellence - Demetra Hajidiacos

Prairie Crocus Award - Chantel Todd

Meet our 2024 Award Winners

Award Categories

Click the drop down menu below to view each award description.

The Prairie Crocus Award is the most prestigious award presented by Recreation Manitoba and honours a professional who has made a significant contribution to recreation, therapeutic recreation, parks and/or leisure services within the Province of Manitoba.

A nominee for this award:
  • must be a member in good standing with Recreation Manitoba
  • will have worked in the profession a minimum of five (5) years
  • have promoted and advanced the values and benefits of recreation, therapeutic recreation, parks and/or leisure
  • by their actions, have had a positive impact on the community they serve
  • have contributed to the profession through active participation on committees, special initiatives and/or projects with local, regional, and/or national associations

Therapeutic Recreation Award of Excellence recognizes and honours a therapeutic recreation professional who has made a significant contribution in the field of Therapeutic Recreation within the Province of Manitoba. *Individuals, students, groups and organizations are eligible for this award.

A nominee for this award will:
  • have through their actions, enhanced the quality of life of their community through therapeutic recreation, leisure services and programs
  • have demonstrated innovation, resourcefulness and leadership as a therapeutic recreation professional.
  • have initiated a therapeutic recreation program, service and/or process in their group/organization.

This award recognizes a recreation facility, individual or group in Manitoba that demonstrates outstanding or unique innovations in providing places to gather, play and connect. Nominees have the capacity and passion to operate facilities and spaces, according to best practices and trends in the industry. *Facilities, spaces, and individuals that contributed to facility and recreation space management are eligible for this award.

A nominee for this award will:
  • best leadership practices in places and spaces where recreation and leisure occur.
  • encourages a place to gather, play and connect.
  • encourage safe, accessible and inclusive facilities and/or spaces.
  • have been instrumental in implementing innovative initiatives and efforts to create, improve, or enhance a recreation facility and/or space

Parks, trails and natural spaces are enriching spaces for recreation resulting in both environmental and human benefits. This award recognizes the passion and achievements of individuals, groups and organizations that steward recreational, natural, and green spaces that enhance community quality of life. *Individuals, groups, organizations, and outdoor destinations are eligible for this award.

Nominees in this category demonstrate:
  • best leadership practices in green practices and climate change initiatives
  • active steward for green spaces and nature
  • share knowledge of new spaces
  • encourage exploration of natural built environments

Recreation is a human experience. Communities and people will flourish when brought together through recreation programming, services and events. This award recognizes the efforts and dedication of individuals, or groups, who lead and advocate for the many benefits of the field. *Individuals, including students, teams or groups are eligible for this award.

Nominees in this category demonstrate:
  • leadership in the parks or recreation field, in developing programs, events, partnerships or organizations to the communities and individuals they serve
  • mentorship and role modelling to others, professionally or through personal leisure activities
  • enthusiasm for recreation and leisure, personally and professionally
  • positive attitude for learning and building capacity
  • The health and wellbeing of communities are enhanced through recreation and parks. This award recognizes nominees that have gone above and beyond to increase opportunities for their community to benefit mentally, physically and socially

    Nominees in this category demonstrate:
  • exceptional efforts to increase wellness through recreation to those they serve.
  • awareness of innovative trends and initiatives that increase engagement in community health and positive wellbeing. For example, improving process/policy development, innovative initiatives, program implementation, infrastructure enhancements, etc.
  • advocacy for the field of recreation and its benefits for all.
  • positive community leadership
  • The award of merit is an award given out, at the discretion of the Recreation Manitoba Board Members. The award is designed to recognize spaces, events, projects, community groups, organizations, municipalities or people, including students, within the recreation sector, highlighting their excellence and innovation in the provision of recreation in Manitoba. No nomination submissions required for this award

    Past Award Recipients

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